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More Info :
Bpk. Gerry Darien Kusuma Putra
087 838 253383
PIN BBM 1. 2B 05A C66
PIN BBM 2. 2B 141 f75

Lampu Luxeon U9 with Angel Eyes Blue, Laser Merah, 3 Mode nyala

Status:Ready Stock
IDR:Rp 260.000,-
Kode Barang:LUX-U9 BlackBlue
Name:Lampu Luxeom U9 Black with angel eyes blue

Detail Product

Measurement:12 x 6,5 x 9 cm
Comments:Warna lampu rame, Terang utama fokus, ring biru, dan ada laser merah ditengah, ada 3 mode kedip..
Pembayaran:Bank Transfer or COD
Pengiriman:JNE / Tiki / Pos Indonesia
Stok:A lott of stocks

Info lebih lanjut :
Bpk. Gerry Darien Kusuma
087 838 253383 (XL)
081 22 444 1111 (Telk.)
pin. 2 b05a c66

Alamat Toko :
SURYA Elektronik
Jl. Godean km 5, Ruko Tlogorejo no : 6
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