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More Info :
Bpk. Gerry Darien Kusuma Putra
087 838 253383
PIN BBM 1. 2B 05A C66
PIN BBM 2. 2B 141 f75

Lampu Luxeon U7 Ring Biru, Transformer U7 with Angel eyes Blue, and Laser Gun

Status:Ready Stock
IDR:Rp 225.000,-
Kode Barang:Lux-U7 Blue
Name:Lampu Luxeon U7 Ring Biru

Detail Product
Measurement:10,5 x 6,5 x 9,5
Comments:Working Led terlaris ya U7 ini gan, banyak pilihan warna angel eyes nya gan..
Pembayaran:Bank Transfer or COD
Pengiriman:JNE / Tiki / Pos Indonesia
Stok:A lott of stocks

Info lebih lanjut :
Bpk. Gerry Darien Kusuma
087 838 253383 (XL)
081 22 444 1111 (Telk.)
pin. 2 b05a c66

Alamat Toko :
SURYA Elektronik
Jl. Godean km 5, Ruko Tlogorejo no : 6
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